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Sophia Education Reviews

What students & parents are saying...

Hi Ms. Cheng this is Praba’s mom, Praba scored A for both maths and Chemistry. Thank you for the support over the past 2 years

Praba’s Mom Parent

Hi, attached Mid-Year Examination remarks of Zhenze’s GP and project work, he got D for GP H1.

Zhenze’s parent Parent

Also I got 80/100 for my eoy btw I send the paper when I get back

Anna Wong Student

Oh ya I forgot to tell u my math got 83 my sci got 73

Teang Zun Student

Hi , I would like to inform you that my son, Lim Minzhe has decided to discontinue this tuition. It has been great guidance from your tutor all this long. From a U in the first class test to an A in both the common test and promotional exams, it has helped him to consistently gain confidence in this subject and he felt that he could now manage this subject without additional classes. Our gratitude to your restless effort and we wish you all the best and continue to help more students to achieve better 🙂

Lim Minzhe's Parent Parent

By the way, I would really like to thank Ms Cheng for helping Dan with his chemistry, especially elucidation questions. Today's chem paper was quite tough, but Dan managed to tackle the elucidation question and he felt he solved it. Thank you !!

Mdm Eileen Parent

Sophia Education Reviews

What students & parents are saying...

So responsible. Really glad to join this tuition centre

Yihan Student

Thank you so much for teaching me during this one whole year, I had fun with you too haha. Thanks for being patient and super chill about everything!

Review for Ms Sim Student

Hi Rose Niranjan did well for his recent biology exam. We would like to thank Ms Wong for his achievement as he got a C which was an improvement from an E grade. Grateful to her.

Mrs Suseela Parent

For Mahitha she got 56 for her science thanks to Ms Agnes. As for Maths she did not pass but it was too short period for much improvement. We will continue for her from Jan 2022 and I can make payment in Dec. We would like to continue with Ms Agnes for Science and if possible Maths with her too as Mahitha likes her teaching style thanks.

Mahitha's Mum Parent

Hi, I would like to feedback that after having the first lesson with Ms Agnes Mahitha understands the chapter much better and is looking forward to the next lesson thanks.

Mahitha's Mum Parent

Good afternoon. Ms Cheng has been more than amazing in regards to teaching and I've improved a lot since I joined Sophia education, however, due to school and external commitments I am unable to continue attending the lessons. If I find time in the future or need it again I will join the tuition again for sure. I apologise for the sudden notice. Thank you for your kind consideration.

Sasaki Yuka Student

Sophia Education Reviews

What students & parents are saying...

Hi Ms Cheng, I got 15/25 for my integration techniques CA1 (B grade)


Hi Ms Cheng! I got back my Amath test and I got 30/30 for it. My teacher said it’s the only full marks.

Lorraine Student

Dear Mr Chew, Attached is Eilis Year 3 Topics. Good news is Eilis has managed to pull her grades up this time after your coaching, and she got an A this time for her WA2. Thank you very much for helping her. I hope she will be able to keep it up!

Mrs Eng Parent

Hi Teacher Joey, my husband and I appreciate the info and comments you’ve given us about Shan. At home, we will also continue to encourage him to learn from mistakes as you do during lessons. Please feel free to contact us and give us feedback about Shan’s performance and attitude during lessons. Thank you!

Ms Eileen Parent

Hi Ms Cheng, I’m Junkai from 2019-2020. I got A1 for amath! Thank you for helping me improve from F9 in sec3 until now.

Junkai Parent

Hi Miss Cheng, I got A for maths. Sorry for the late update


Sophia Education Reviews

What students & parents are saying...

Good evening Cher! This is Zi Yi from TJC last year. Pleased to inform you that for my H2 maths, tho I didn’t managed to obtain an A, I improved from a S(prelims) to B(As)! Would really like to express my gratitude for the guidance and support in the last stretch!! Couldn’t have done it without you.

Zi Yi Student

Hi Miss Cheng this is Shane from your class last year. I just want to thank you for your guidance in math for the past year 🙂 I managed to get a B for math and I can go to the university I want so thank you

Shane Student

Hello Ms Sophia. This is Salim’s mother (J2 2019). I wanted to thank you. He got an A for Math. Thank you for helping him rise from F to A.

Salim's Mum Parent

Hi Ms Cheng! I collected my results today and I just wanted to thank you for all the help and support you gave me for Math and Chem during the lessons, which allowed me to understand the topics better and helped me fix my misconceptions. I managed to get A for both math and chem (and A for all subjects haha) and it was thanks to your guidance for these subjects which I was weak in. Thank you!


Hi Cher. Thanks for tutoring me. Got an A for math haha.


Hi Ms Cheng! Thank you so much for helping me with my academic journey (sent picture of receiving all As for GP, Chem, Physics, Econs, Maths

Sarah Mak Student

Sophia Education Reviews

What students & parents are saying...

I topped my class for econs 80%.

for Mrs Tan Student

Dear Ms Cheng, Thank you very much for all updates! I’m glad to have signed her up in this place and hope Raeanne will pick up her foundation through your teaching and guidance. With best regards, Michelle.

Ms Michelle Parent

Dear Mr Wang, Thank you for all updates. Please kindly help Raeanne in her biology foundation and understanding. I hope she will learn and pick up more through your expertise in preparation for A level Examination.

Ms Michelle Parent

Yi Fei end of year math paper will be ending next week. Would like Yi Fei to take a break for her maths tuition after today's lesson. Would like to share that Teacher Joey is a great teacher and with her guidance, yi fei has improved and felt more confident in solving the math problem. Just two months of her guidance, Yi Fei from fail in her sa2 before her guidance to a passing in her sa3.

Mr Choy Parent

Thank you. Your entire team is doing great! You are her life saver lasr year… else she wouldn’t be able to pass her math and promote to JC2.


Would like to share that Teacher Joey is a great teacher and with her guidance, ___ has improved and felt more confident in solving the math problem. Just two months of her guidance, ___ from fail in her SA2 before her guidance to a passing in her SA3.


Sophia Education Reviews

What students & parents are saying...

Thank you! Please keep up the momentum and prepare her for the midyear exam.


Hi I’ve received my O-Level results. I got an A2 for my A-Math. Thank you for helping me, you brought me from a fail to an A2.


Thank you so much for teaching me during this one year, I had fun with you too haha thanks for being patient and super chill about everything! 🙂


She told me she likes your teaching and benefit from your lessons. Thanks


and also thank you so much for the past year for all the help in History, it really helped me to understand & structure my essays better, be more thoughtful in my analyses & made understanding writing History Essays easier!!


Hi Teacher Joey. My husband and I appreciate the info and comments you’ve given us about ___. At home, we will also continue to encourage him to learn from mistakes as you do during lessons. Please feel free to contact us and give us feedback about ___’s performance and attitude during lessons. Thank you!


Sophia Education Reviews

What students & parents are saying...

She got 56 for her Science thanks for Ms Agnes. As for Maths she did not pass but it was too short period for much improvement. We will continue with Ms Agnes for Science and if possible Maths with her too as she likes her teaching style, thanks.


Hi! I just wanted to tell you that I got my results back a week ago; I got a B for Chemistry. Thanks for teaching me!


Dear Mr ___. Attached is Eilis Year 3 topics. Good news is Eilish has managed to pull her grades up this time after your coaching, she got an A this time for her WA2. Thank you very much for helping her. I hope she will be able to keep it up! Best Regards, Mr Eng.

Mr Eng Parent

Hi Rose I would like to feedback that after having the first lesson with Ms Agnes ___ understands the chapter much better and is looking forward to the next lesson thanks.


Sometimes she finds it hard going to keep studying and gets distracted. That’s normal but it will help if she knows it’s ok and she can focus with the help of your tips. I’m glad to have found your centre actually as ____ thinks its very helpful to her!


I got an A1 for A-Math! Thank you for helping me improve from F9 in Sec 3 until now 🙂


Sophia Education Reviews

What students & parents are saying...

This is ____ from your class last year. I just want to thank you for your guidance in Math for the past year 🙂 I managed to get a B for Math and I can go to the University I want so thank you


Hi!! I got A for maths, sorry for the late update 🙂


Hi! I just got back my Physics test and I got a 54/60!!


He scored the 3rd highest for add math in class recently. Great job on your part!


Hi ____. I got my test results back. A bit disappointed I got a B, 21/33.


Your study tips sent by email are very good. I hope you can share them with ____ as she gets stressed out.


Sophia Education Reviews

What students & parents are saying...

Hi Claire didn’t do well in the recent exam but was an improvement from U. Got a D. Thank you! Will get her to revert on the details. Most grateful for any help to up her grade.. Thanks!


I got an B for E-maths!! Hahaha so happyyyy. My micro csq score 25/30. But macro only 10/30. Essay is 17/25.


I got 58 for p1 :/ But only 10 people in my class passed so not bad hehe 🙂 But I’ll try harder.


Thank you for accepting me although I only signed up late in the year and for sacrificing your Saturday evenings to have class with me. Thank you for teaching me everything from scratch so patiently and for believing in me. I have been inspired to work hard for Math and strive for improvement. I’m grateful to have joined your class 🙂


Thanks for your help with _____. I’ve noticed that he’s more confident and motivated now. Have a great weekend ahead!


Thanks for teaching him, he has found your lessons enlightening. So far, in his school, he has no questions on his subjects and does not know what he does not know. I think his horizon is opening up.


Sophia Education Reviews

What students & parents are saying...

When we saw you in July, she scored 31 points for mid year exam and lost confidence. Though Math should be A1 but scored B3, maybe nervous. Overall it’s the confident that you have changed her and improved other subjects. 2A 5B 13 points less CCA 2 points = 11 points. Teaching also asked how she made it. She is sad that she did not get A1 for you. Friends have asked for your contact number. Many thanks to you and no other words can express. Keep in touch and all the best 😀


Good morning _____. Will continue lessons this Sunday. I have secured my promotion, passed all my subjects. I give you credit for my grade C in Math. Thank you very much and see you soon.


Thank you for always teaching me with so much patience and giving me life advice every lesson on how to find a good boyfriend and how to succeed in life HAHA.


Hi ____, I got an A for Math!! :))) I made a few careless mistakes tho 🙁


Thank you _____ for teaching me the past few weeks. It was a good experience being taught by you and the way you disect questions was probably what I learnt most. I hope all the effort put in will pay off


Just want to let you know that _____ really enjoyed the first lesson she said she learnt more in one lesson than the last six months 🙂


Sophia Education Reviews

What students & parents are saying...

About the progress she said maybe next week can tell more.. but currently she understand much better than before.. thank you 🙂


Hi Yu Kay got a A2 for his final exam! Thanks for your coaching and he could have done better if he had put in more effort. It was a great short term support you gave him. Thanks again!

Yu Kay's Mum Parent

Hi I meant to write to you earlier… would like to thank you for giving guidance to Jasmine for that few months…. she has done well for her Math…. a grade ‘A’ much to my surprise. Thank you once again 🙂

Jasmine's Mum Parent

I want to really thank you for taking Audrey on. She really did grow in confidence even in her short time with you! thanks so much!

Audrey's Mum Parent

And because of your tuition I’ve gained the confidence and discipline to do time trials which I’m incredibly thankful for.


Hi I got a B for chemistry ahahah. I’m quite satisfied


Sophia Education Reviews

What students & parents are saying...

Hi this is Jieyi from Hwachong! I hope you still remember me! 🙂 Just wanted to drop a message to say that I got A for both Maths and Chemistry!! Thank you for guiding me in both subjects and for always believing in me! 🙂 I couldn’t have done it without you 🙂

Jieyi Student

Hi! I got A for Chem and 90 points! Thanks for all your help!


Thank you for teaching me and I am pleased that your teaching made me confident for my Chemistry CA2. Will be most happy to see you in year end.


Arielle has finished so good to unsubscribe this number. We thank you for your wonderful guidance.

Arielle's Mum Parent

I got my Math results back! Emath: 76% A1. Amath: 83% A1


Thank you for your help to review my final year paper!! As my school hasn’t returned it yet, I will send it asap when they do. Also, thank you again for your guidance this year and helping me out with math!! 🙂


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