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7 Tips to finish your H2 Math Paper on time

7 Tips to finish your H2 Math Paper on time

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7 Tips to finish your H2 Math Paper on time

1. Understand your exam

Know the entire JC Math paper in and out so that you know what to expect from each section (e.g. multiple choice or structured questions) and allocate an ideal amount of time to each question so that you do not over run.
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2. Use reading time (if given) effectively

Make sure to run through all the questions in the JC Math paper instead of trying to work out the answer of the first question – you may want to spend this time instead digesting the more complex questions and marking out which is easy and which is tough.
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3. Don't stress over the tough questions

Do not start stressing out to moment you discover a tough question, Instead, read it slowly and annotate the question to understand it better. Most questions that appear complex aren’t that tough to begin with. Remember the key concepts that your tutors at Sophia Education has taught you.
Tips and Tricks for Memorising A-Level Contents

4. Prioritise your attempts

Take on the easier questions first, followed by the manageable ones then difficult ones. This not only ensures that you don’t miss out on questions that you could have solved but also keeps your morale high (some people start feeling like they cannot answer all the questions after a difficult one).
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5. Ensure speed and accuracy

When using your calculator always make sure you check the screen in case you punched in an additional number or used the wrong sign. This can affect your whole answer.
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6. Keep an eye on your watch

This is just to ensure you are adhering to the time allocations set prior to you starting the paper – however, do not worry if you are straying off the time a little!
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7. Avoid thinking too much about a question

Once you pass a question, don’t constantly think about it until you have completed the rest of the JC Math paper. Do not overthink any question and spend too much time elaborating an answer just because you know it well – Just give what is required of you.
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