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9 Steps to Prepare for H2 Maths and H2 Chemistry Exams

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1. Know what topics are to be tested

Avoid entering the exam venue and realizing that you have been studying for the wrong subject or chapters
  • Ask your teachers
  • Read your exam timetable carefully
  • Take note of the list of tested subjects for that exam and approach for tutors at Sophia Education for study help
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2. Start revision early

Kick your bad habit of studying and cramming at the last minute. A good tutor is important as he/she will be able to track your learning and exam timetable, ensuring that revision starts early.
  • Tell your tutor your learning process in school and request for additional practices for your weaker topics
excelling in science : study effectively

3. Rank the topics for each subject

For every study session, start revising your weakest topic first when you are at your freshest.
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4. Limit your time for each subject

It is never good to continuously study the same chapters for too long. Your brain will get tired and bored, and you will find yourself spacing out more frequently. Splitting up your study sessions will be more effective.
  • Plan a study schedule, with preferably a mixture of different subjects
  • Ensure that every subject and topic have a time limit (~45 mins)
  • With every 45 mins, do have a good rest of 15 mins
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5. Concept outline

Every topic has their own concepts. There isn’t a fit-all outline to follow. A good tutor helps to identify the outline, allowing you to start studying with a clear direction.
  • Our tutors can accurately point out to you the requirements of each chapter, so that you will have an end goal in mind
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6. Make your own personal mistake notebook

“Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.” – Steve Jobs
Even the most famous man makes mistakes when innovating, so it is okay to make mistakes in your assignments/exams. The question is what are you going to do with them? Learn from them.
  • After marking your assignments, record those questions that you have gotten it wrong in a notebook
  • Read them again every other day
excelling in science : study effectively

7. Letting your brain get used to the H2 Math and H2 Chemistry exams format

Being able to do topical questions doesn’t equate to being able to do the full-length paper within its given time.
  • Set aside the last 2 weeks to practice full-length papers within the allocated time
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8. Making use of the time left smartly

Time is ticking, and it is now a race against time. Study smart by making sure that you have revised every concept for the H2 Math and H2 Chemistry exams.
  • For each chapter, refer to Ms Cheng’s Checklists (MAC for Chemistry and FTP for Math).
  • Dig out your tutorials and attempt (not all the questions) at least one question for each concept
  • Read your mistake notebook during your free time (on the MRT/bus, before you sleep, etc)
  • Don’t stress yourself by reading your textbook/notes. Instead, list the key points of each chapter on a piece of paper, and start visualizing and linking the different concepts and question types in your mind.
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9. Final stretch: Don’t be stressed!!!

You know that you have prepared diligently for the exams, so there isn’t a need to cram your brain outside the exam venue. Enter the venue with confidence, and know that you have done your best and will do well!
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