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How to learn Chinese effectively

How to learn Chinese effectively​?

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如何更有效地学习华文?- How to learn Chinese effectively​?

How to learn Chinese effectively
学习华文的最大难处是认字,因为华文不属拼音语文,不能直接拼读,由读音了解语义。一般上,学习华文只能靠视觉辨认字词,牢记在心,积累了一定数量的词汇之后,才能有效地用来表情达意,阅读书写。学华语离不开多听,多讲,多读与多写。不勤于阅读,所认识的字久了自然淡忘,驾驭这种语文的能力也只能滞留在简单的口语阶段, 没有能力阅读与书写,也很难利用电脑拼音输入打字。

Even though it may be intimidating to a lot of people, anyone can get used to writing with a little discipline and a willingness to learn. At Sophia Education, we will help you in listening, speaking, reading and writing with notes and practices to encourage and help you to further practice while learning even faster.


Focus on listening content suitable to your level, and listen frequently.
How to learn Chinese effectively


Practice more by speaking with your friends, do not afraid of making mistakes.
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Do listening more until you are familiarize with the content. Practicing pronunciation by reading repeatedly  Have fun with the language and use of Chinese
How to learn Chinese effectively

养成写日记的习惯,用中文写。让华语变成生活中的一部分。 Writing journal/ diaryThis is another exercise that can be done on a daily basis. Remember that regular activities are the best ones
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