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Lower Primary English Notes

How To Study English: Reading & Vocabulary

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Listening plays a very important part in learning any language and it helps to expand your vocabulary.
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How To Study English

Effective listening ensures understanding and it helps improve accuracy when speaking , among other things. How can you improve your listening skills? Sophia Education’s Top English Tutors suggest its by listening actively, i.e. paying attention not only on what is said, but also how it is said. So, listen:

1. Listen to the radio

Don’t always have a pen in hand. Sometimes it helps to just listen. Student will pick up the use of English Language easier when they attentively listen
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2. Watch English TV

Choose programs that you would enjoy in your first language.
Remember that much of what you hear on TV is slang.
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3. Call Automated Answering Machine recordings

You can find these numbers at the front of telephone books in many English-speaking countries. Before you dial, make sure that you are calling the free numbers.
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4. Watch English-language movies

Choose ones with subtitles, such as from ESL Videos. Watch the movie without writing anything down.
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5. Use Internet listening resources

Every day there are more and more places to listen to English online.
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