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How to study for H2 Chemistry

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How to study for H2 Chemistry

1. Understanding the requirements of the subject

The different JC Chemistry chapters require different aspect of understanding. Some topics focus on memorization (eg Organic Chem), while some topics focus on application of formulae (eg acid-base equilibrium). Our Chemistry tutors at Sophia Education will accurately identify and go through the respective features of the chapters with you, ensuring that you will completely understand the requirements.
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2. Different types of questions

(a) Memorisation
For big topics (eg organic chem, chem bonding), break them up into small sections to memorise. Just reading the formulae isn’t going to work. Set a certain amount of time to memorise. Then, take a blank piece of paper and test yourself.
(b) Explanation
Often, students understand what the question wants generally, but the answers they provide tend to miss certain key points. For these type of questions, read the model answers, take note of where the marks are awarded and record them down. Every other day, revisit the question again, ensuring that you have memorized them.
(c) Application
For every question, identify the chapters and concepts needed first. Then, proceed to attempting the questions. In this way, when you are stuck, you would know the concepts that you are weak in. Clear up any misunderstanding with your tutor at Sophia Education
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3. MCQ questions

Record down those questions that you have gotten wrong into a notebook. After a few days, revise the notebook. Then, cancel out those questions that you can do. Similarly, after a few more days, revisit the questions again and cancel out those that you understand. This helps to narrow down your misunderstandings to the few problematic questions and concepts of Chemistry.
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4. Summary notes

Write your own notes. Whether it is using a mind map, flashcard or even through highlighting, it is the process that helps you to interlink the different concepts together.
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5. Practice full-length H2 Chemistry papers

Taking an exam requires stamina. The exam duration is often a few hours long, and those with poor stamina tends to lose their drive and enthusiasm halfway through. Hence, practising full-length Chemistry papers beforehand is the key to building up that stamina.
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6. Study plan

Create a study plan by blocks of 1 hour, which consists of 45 mins of studying followed by 15 mins of resting. Ensure that you do not revise a subject continuously for too long. A good spread of different subjects helps your brain to stay awake and interested.
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