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How To Study O Level Math like Pro

How To Study O Level Math like Pro: Super Tutor’s Advices from Sophia Education

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How To Study O Level Math like Pro: Super Tutor’s Advices from Sophia Education

Math is such an important subject that there are even two mathematics subjects during secondary school – Elementary Mathematics and Additional Mathematics. Such emphasis placed has caused many students and parents alike to become anxious about the upcoming O Level examinations. This article shall discuss some tips for students to do well in math.

Firstly, let’s take a look at the O Level Elementary Mathematics and Additional Mathematics syllabus.

How To Study O Level Math like Pro

Elementary Mathematics (E Math):

Assessment Content Marks Weighting / %
Paper 1 (2 h)  About 25 compulsory short answer questions 80 50
Paper 2 (2 h 30 min) 10 to 11 compulsory questions of varying marks and lengths. Last question will on real-world application. 100 50


Main Topics Sub topics
  1. Number and Algebra
  1. Numbers and their operations
  2. Ratio and Proportion
  3. Percentage
  4. Rate and Speed
  5. Algebraic expressions and formulae
  6. Functions and graphs
  7. Equations and Inequalities
  8. Set language and notation
  9. Matrices
  10. Problems in real-world contexts
  1. Geometry and Measurement
  1. Angles, triangles and polygons
  2. Congruence and similarity
  3. Properties of circles
  4. Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry
  5. Mensuration
  6. Coordinate geometry
  7. Vectors in two dimensions 
  8. Problems in real-world contexts
  1. Statistics and Probability
  1. Data analysis
  2. Probability


Additional Mathematics (A Math):

Assessment Content Marks Weighting / %
Paper 1 (2 h 15 min)  12 – 14 compulsory questions of varying marks and lengths, up to 10 marks per question. 90 50
Paper 2 (2 h 15 min) 9 – 11 compulsory questions of varying marks and lengths, up to 12 marks per question. 90 50


Main Topics Sub topics
  1. Algebra
  1. Quadratic functions 
  2. Equations and inequalities
  3. Surds
  4. Polynomials and partial fractions
  5. Binomial expansions
  6. Exponential and logarithmic functions 
  1. Geometry and Trigonometry
  1. Trigonometric functions, identities and equations
  2. Coordinate geometry in two dimensions
  3. Proofs in plane geometry
  1. Calculus
  1. Differentiation and integration


Scoring well in math is crucial, just check the subject prerequisites of university courses, they often state a pass in math for either A Level or at least O Level! Here are some tips on how to study math like a pro, from our very own Super Tutors at Sophia Education:

1) Know your own learning style and techniques to use

Everyone has their own learning style and techniques – some may be more visual learners, whereas others prefer to write down the information. Be sure to try out different methods of studying math to figure out which works best for you. For example, if you find that your mind starts to drift away when reading a long explanation on paper, then it might be more beneficial for you to watch a math video tutorial instead.

Some students prefer listening to music while studying as it helps them to focus, while others prefer complete silence. Some like to study in short bursts with breaks in between, while others like to study for long periods of time. Find out what works better for you and stick to it. Personally, I feel that it is extremely beneficial for me to create a short summary of all the important main points after every chapter, so I have a small notebook that I will revise and read through before every examination.

2) Get plenty of practice.

Practice makes perfect! Do not shy away from practice questions – in fact, embrace them! The more questions you attempt, the better you will get at solving them. Many students make the mistake of only completing a question if they know how to answer it correctly. However, this is not the right approach – even if you get the answer wrong, you would have at least learnt how NOT to solve the question, and even know your misconceptions in order to correct them.

In addition to paying attention in class, there are many other resources available that can help you study math more effectively. These include assessment books, past year papers, prelim papers and online resources.

On our Sophia Education website, we provide both concise notes for every chapter and examination papers from many different schools. These resources can serve as a great reference for you to go over content and practice problems before your O Level Math exams. Only with a lot of practice can you answer the examination questions fluently and accurately once you clear all your misconceptions and get the hang of it!

3) Be proactive and ask questions

One of the best ways to learn math is to be proactive and ask questions. If you are unsure about a certain topic or concept, do not hesitate to raise your hand and seek clarification from your teachers or tutor. Asking questions will also help you to better understand the content that is being taught.


In addition, feel free to discuss math concepts with your friends or classmates. Collaborating with others is a great way to learn and remember information more effectively. Working together on difficult problems can also help to improve your problem-solving skills.

4) Stay healthy and remember to relax

This one might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to take care of your health if you want to do well in O Level Math. After all, you won’t be able to focus on your studies if you’re feeling rundown and exhausted all the time. Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly will help to boost your energy levels and keep your mind sharp. 

Give yourself an ample amount of breaks! Having a good amount of rest and relaxation is pivotal to your mental health, and it also makes sure you have a refreshed mind for more learning!

Burnout is a serious problem that many secondary school students face, crippling them and stunting their potential moments before the major exams. To avoid this, portion your time well between study-time and rest-time. During your rest-time sessions, do anything that makes you feel energized and happy! Play a sport, hang out with friends, read a book, maybe even take a nap!

Time used for self-care is not time wasted at all!

Sophia Education offers O Level E Math and A Math tuition by experienced and dedicated teachers. Our math lessons are designed to help students better understand the concepts, and to prepare them for their O Level examinations.

With our tuition classes at Sophia Education, students are able to receive ample time for consultations to work through their doubts and misconceptions. The small class sizes for our group tuition also ensure that our tutors with many years of experience can devote more attention to each student, a feat that might not be possible for regular school teachers who are focusing on up to 40 students at a time.

In addition, detailed notes are given for every lesson, and these notes are concise and exam-oriented. Past year questions and papers are also covered comprehensively in our classes so that students will have a much better understanding of the O Level examination requirements.

It is undeniable that math tuition can be extremely beneficial for students as they prepare to take on one of the most challenging O Level subjects. Do not hesitate to contact us or visit our website for more information

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