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Online math tuition Singapore

Online Math Tuition Singapore

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Online Math Tuition Singapore

Online Math Tuition Singapore

Mathematics is an important subject and one of the most difficult subjects to stand on is what a child should learn from an early age. If you are a mother or a math teacher, you will know the methods by which you can teach your child better in this subject, so that he can exceed the expectations. You will be fascinated to see Singapore, being a small country, it has one of the highest number of advanced math scoring students in the world.

Looking for Online Math Tuition Singapore?

You’re in the right place! Sophia Education Team of Expert Mathematics Tutors in Singapore Specializes in taking students through extensive math preparation for PSLE, O-Level, A-Level JC Math Tuition, IP Math Tuition – so that your child can advance in their math exams!

Sophia Education provide both small group Math tuition and 1-1 Math tuition. With our Online Math tuition Centre, our students received measurable results and confidence from highly effective Math tuition lessons.

How do you learn math? By Sophia Education

“Mathematics” – oxygen for good results for some and messenger for others! Isn’t that so?

You will notice that there is more inequality among students in mathematics than in other subjects. Is it just merit discrimination? Or is there a lack of mathematics learning techniques?

In my opinion, the fault of the learning method or the lack of technique must be responsible for the fear of mathematics. Most students do not know what is the easiest way to learn mathematics, and they think it is like meeting.

The first thing I will blame for this is the “lack of practice”, which will be overcome by mastering the only easy ways to learn math.

Don’t worry! Here are some of the ones I found interesting: Simple rules for learning math. If you want to get good grades in math, you have to follow some rules. Let’s find out the details.

Online Math Tuition Singapore

1) Not all in one day

Many of us are like that. When the interest in reading comes too much, I get excited and target to do a lot in one day! Again, when the target is not read, diameter, I get frustrated.

In the case of mathematics, this subject is a little more. It takes a lot of time to solve a few problems when you start anew, so you can keep this in mind and move forward with a small target every day.

Very good, if you start with a simple topic. Seeing a lot of reading in a short time will increase self-confidence, along with interest, and you can learn more from our online math tuition Singapore.

2) Give priority to books

You should not do a Google search before starting a chapter. First check the example of your book, the pattern of numbers.

You can mark the equations with a color pen.

It is true that it is not possible to start a whole new chapter from a book.

Still, why am I asking to give priority to the book first, right?

-To understand the pattern of numbers.

Later, when you go to the teacher or do a Google search to understand the familiar equations, your attention will automatically increase.

3) Strengthen the foundation

If the foundation is not right, how many days will your hard work or work?

If you notice, you will see that all the other equations and big formulas have come from some basic formulas or rules. So the basic rules should never be neglected.

When learning big equations or formulas, check how they came from, what basics they are made of.

Then you don’t have to memorize anymore.

4) Find the solution yourself

If you falsify the answer sheet at the beginning, then you have to say that you are cheating yourself. Check yourself first how much you can.

Even if it is wrong or what? Rather, if you make a mistake, the rule will stick well in your head. Find a better solution by combining it with the answer sheet later.

5) The calculator cannot be relied upon

If you do all the solutions with a calculator, you will see that gradually your math knife is getting blunt. Without a calculator, you will also struggle to subtract normal addition and subtraction.

Moreover, the use of calculators in various admission tests and special cases is not allowed. This system is for verifying your talent.

If you are in such a situation, can you prove yourself without a calculator?

6) Get the opinion of experts

If you want to study mathematics in the future, give priority to the opinions of teachers or experts in this line. How to easily master, which parts are more important – have an idea in advance.

Moreover, if you want to do any math, you should take the help of the teacher, because when you do a known math, you can get many new basic ideas from the teacher.

How to do well in Math

7) Learning through examples and pictures

You know the fancy effectiveness of pictures and examples in remembering to read. These things work better at mathematics.


Suppose, if you draw a real agreed example when you are solving a problem, then it will be easier to understand.

It is better if you can understand by drawing pictures. Distance, time, and even small cubicle figures can be easily understood by drawing pictures.

8) Verify yourself

Do not go up by solving the math.

You can do small tests to verify how much you actually learned. There are many sets of questions in math books or guides. Check yourself from these.

You will see thousands of new problems coming out.

Yes, that’s the math. Proving yourself a scholar is not an easy task; Not in student life.

9) Give time to puzzle games

Some studies have shown that games like sudoku or poolside puzzles increase brain function. This is a good strategy for spending leisure time alone.

Nowadays, apps for several such games are also available. You can choose any of them.

10) Play card

This game is great for being easy to master by adding fun.

How to play?

Write a number on some cards and share the cards with everyone. Let’s see who can add numbers faster!

This way you can quickly master math learning techniques.

11) Tricks method

You can surprise everyone by making a lot of fun math puzzles. For example, let’s give an example-

Suppose any one number – Double it – Add 9 – Subtract three from the sum – Divide by 2

Finally, add the number caught first from the result

How much? =  3?

Yes, make some more methods like this yourself and prove yourself more efficient and intelligent.

12) Spot Math

Sit at any spot and solve different numbers.

For example, suppose you are in a place where you can see a round triangle or a cylindrical object. How to quickly find out their size through known sources!

No, no one will give you extra marks or applause. But your skills on geometry will doubl. You can learn more from our Online Math Tuition.

Online math tuition Singapore

Pros and Benefits gained from Sophia Education Online math Tuition

For our zoom lessons, we have stand up camera and front camera so students can view both tutors face taking and handwriting for working solutions and key point highlight. All tutors solution will be sent to students via whatapp also for reference, so the experience is almost as real. Notes and Material we have support stuff send out at least 1 day in advance 🙂

Many other centres offer online lessons cheaper mostly are Low quality without much live interaction and some even simply record video and let students watch. not surprised of the news that parents were angry of some of online lessons from certain Centers. ( some even branded tuition centres) Our online tuition is absolutely same as f2f just that via various interactive devices conduct online.

Conclusion On a personal opinion, the answer to the overarching question of whether online tuition is effective is: Yes, I do believe it is for most students and cases. And the trend of students staying on with online tuition seems to concur with this notion. The advantages appear to outweigh the disadvantages, especially with how far innovations for online learning have progressed.  

At the end of the day, however, what works for most students, may not work for others. Lucky for us, we are no longer limited to the single option of online tuition. As the popular American author, John Maxwell once said, “Life is all about choices”, and the improving COVID-19 situation has allowed students the option of both. It is ultimately the prerogative of the student to choose whatever they think is best for themselves.

For example, a student under Sophia Education might reside in the East, but finds that the track record and profile of a tutor teaching in their Jurong East branch more compelling. The student may opt for online lessons under this tutor without worrying about the taxing commute. Not only has online tuition and E-learning been an advantage to students, but also to tutors and tuition businesses looking to expand their consumer base.

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