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The Ultimate Guide to IB

The Ultimate Guide to IB

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The Ultimate Guide to IB

The Ultimate Guide to IB
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) and the A levels are both two-year-long programmes that cater mainly to students between 16 and 18 years old. Today, we’ll be discussing the less common route taken by Singapore students, IBDP. According to the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO), the aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognising their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. It is often known that the IB final exams tend to be less challenging than the A levels, but the IB coverage is more extensive. Let’s dive deeper into this topic and understand more about this diploma programme! Students are required to choose 6 subjects - one from each of the 6 subject groups (Studies in Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics, The Arts). Students may opt to study an additional sciences, individuals and societies, or languages course, instead of a course in the arts. 3 subjects are studied at standard level (SL), and 3 subjects are studied at higher level (HL). As compared to A level, where students only need to take one contrasting subject, there is a wider spread of subjects for IB students across the various fields.

Number of hours allocated to teaching

150 hours

240 hours

Depth of knowledge / skills expected

Less demanding

More demanding


  • Fewer papers and examination time
  • E.g. History - SL: 2 papers (2.5 hrs) for written exam
  • More papers and examination time
  • E.g.  History - HL: 3 papers (5 hrs) for written exam
In addition, there are 3 core requirements to the programme:
  1. Theory of Knowledge – to encourage critical thinking and awareness of different perspectives. Students are required to complete an essay and create an exhibition of three objects with accompanying commentaries.
  2. Extended Essay – a personal research project about a topic of own choice, culminating in a 4,000-word paper
  3. Creativity, Activity, Service – students participate in projects and extracurricular activities relevant to the respective themes.

Each of the 6 subjects is awarded a final grade of 1 – 7 points, so there is a total possible score of 42. Students may receive up to 3 bonus points for their TOK & EE. This gives an absolute maximum of 45 points. The passing grade for an IB diploma is 24.

Overview of assessment for some chosen subjects

  1. Language and Literature
The Ultimate Guide to IB

Paper 1: Guided textual analysis

One guided analysis of a previously unseen non-literary extract or text from a choice of two

Two guided analyses of previously unseen non-literary extracts or texts

Paper 2: Comparative essay

The paper consists of four general questions. Students answer one question and write a comparative essay based on two works studied in the course.

The paper consists of four general questions. Students answer one question and write a comparative essay based on two works studied in the course.

Individual Oral

Internal examination of a prepared oral response on the way that one literary work and one non-literary body of work studied have approached a common global issue.

Internal examination of a prepared oral response on the way that one literary work and one non-literary body of work studied have approached a common global issue.

HL Essay

Students must submit a 1,200–1,500 word essay on one

literary work or a non-literary body of work studied.

2. Chemistry, Biology, Physics
The Ultimate Guide to IB

Paper 1: Multiple-Choice

30 multiple-choice questions on core (45 min)


40 multiple-choice questions on core and AHL (1 h)

Paper 2: Structured Questions

Short-answer and extended-response questions on core material. (1 h 15 min)

Short-answer and extended-response questions on the core and AHL material. (2 h 15 min)


Paper 3: Data & Options

Section A: one data-based question and several short-answer questions on experimental work.


Section B: short-answer and extended-response questions from one option.

Section A: one data-based question and several short-answer questions on experimental work.


Section B: short-answer and extended-response questions from one option.

1 Hour

1 Hour 15 Mins

Group 4 project & Individual Investigation

  • Internal assessment.
  • Investigation and write-up of 6 to 12 pages
  • Internal assessment.
  • Investigation and write-up of 6 to 12 pages

Core Syllabus

Core Syllabus

Core Syllabus

  1. Stoichiometric relationships
  2. Atomic structure
  3. Periodicity
  4. Chemical bonding and structure
  5. Energetics/thermochemistry
  6. Chemical kinetics
  7. Equilibrium
  8. Acids and bases
  9. Redox processes
  10. Organic chemistry
  11. Measurement and data processing
  1. Cell biology
  2. Molecular biology
  3. Genetics
  4. Ecology
  5. Evolution and biodiversity
  6. Human physiology
  1. Measurements and uncertainties
  2. Mechanics
  3. Thermal physics
  4. Waves
  5. Electricity and magnetism
  6. Circular motion and gravitation
  7. Atomic, nuclear and particle physics
  8. Energy production
Additional higher level (AHL)
Additional higher level (AHL)
Additional higher level (AHL)
  1. Atomic structure
  2. The periodic table—the transition metals
  3. Chemical bonding and structure
  4. Energetics/thermochemistry
  5. Chemical kinetics
  6. Equilibrium
  7. Acids and bases
  8. Redox processes
  9. Organic chemistry
  10. Measurement and analysis
  1. Nucleic acids
  2. Metabolism, cell respiration and photosynthesis
  3. Plant biology
  4. Genetics and evolution
  5. Animal physiology
  1. Wave phenomena
  2. Fields
  3. Electromagnetic induction
  4. Quantum and nuclear physics
Option (Students are required to choose only one option from the topics given.)
Option (Students are required to choose only one option from the topics given.)
Option (Students are required to choose only one option from the topics given.)
  1. Materials
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Energy
  4. Medicinal chemistry
  1. Neurobiology and behavior
  2. Biotechnology and bioinformatics
  3. Ecology and conservation
  4. Human physiology
  1. Relativity
  2. Engineering physics
  3. Imaging
  4. Astrophysics
3. Math Analysis and Approaches (AA)
How To Deal With A Really Bad Teacher

Paper 1

  1. Section A: compulsory short-response questions 

  2. Section B: compulsory extended-response questions 

    (1.5 h)

  1. Section A: compulsory short-response questions 

  2. Section B: compulsory extended-response questions 

    (2 h)

Paper 2

  1. Section A: compulsory short-response questions 

  2. Section B: compulsory extended-response questions 

    (1.5 h)

  1. Section A: compulsory short-response questions 

  2. Section B: compulsory extended-response questions 

    (2 h)

Paper 3

Two compulsory extended-response problem-solving questions.

(1 h)

Math Exploration

Internal assessment

Internal assessment

Syllabus for both:
  • Number and Algebra
  • Functions
  • Geometry and Trigonometry
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Calculus

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