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Tips and Tricks for Memorising A-Level Contents

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Tips and Tricks for Memorising A-Level Contents
There are two parts to memorizing something: getting it into your brain and then getting it out again. Surprisingly, the first part is relatively easy. Your brain can hold a lot of information. Just think about all the song lyrics and tunes that are in your head. Sophia Education has compiled a few tips and tricks for memorising content.

Tips and Tricks for Memorising A-Level Contents

1. Don’t try to memorize too much at one time.

Instead, break it up into parts. If you are trying to memorize a poem, don’t do the whole thing at once. Memorize just one stanza at a time.
Tips and Tricks for Memorising A-Level Contents

2. Try memorising in "chunks".

Remembering 10 numbers in a sequence is hard (3 0 7 5 5 5 8 2 9 4). But remembering 10 numbers in telephone format is a lot easier (307-555-8294).
Tips and Tricks for Memorising A-Level Contents

3. Remember just the critical information.

If you are making a presentation about constellations, you don’t have to remember every one of them. Find out what your teacher expects for the presentation and focus on those aspects. You may approach your tutors at Sophia Education and ask which particular aspects of a subject to focus on.
Tips and Tricks for Memorising A-Level Contents

4. Keep doing it!

Repetition over time is the most important method of getting information into your head and retrieving it readily. Don’t cram; the information won’t stick. Repeat the information frequently over time.
Tips and Tricks for Memorising A-Level Contents

5. Try different strategies.

Writing things down and saying them out loud are wonderful ways to help you remember things. When you use these two strategies, think about what you are trying to remember. You may try this with your classmates during your next lesson at Sophia Education
Tips and Tricks for Memorising A-Level Contents

6. Use ways to help you remember easily.

Mnemonics work for some people. This is the strategy where you associate information with something else. One of the classics is the mnemonic for the planets, at least when Pluto was included: “My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas.”
Adding a tune to what you are memorizing can be really helpful. The best example is the alphabet song, which you probably learned when you were four or five years old. Isn’t it unbelievable that you could remember all 26 letters at that age?
study notes , Tips and Tricks for Memorising A-Level Contents

7. Correct your memory using tricks.

One of the toughest memory tricks is unlearning incorrect information. Instead of trying to unlearn it, try recalling it with a different cue. If you are constantly misspelling “weird” as “wierd,” you can always get it right if you remember it as “We are weird.” The “we” will help you spell it correctly.
Sophia Education
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