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Best 10 Tips To Manage Exam Stress

Best 10 Tips To Manage Exam Stress

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Exams are the bane in any student’s existence and, unfortunately, they are one of those situations that are simply not a choice. Stress and exams go hand with each other. No matter if you’re a child in an elementary school or a postgraduate with years of experience in exam preparation, you’ll be shivering throughout your stomach every moment you consider taking on a test.

Best 10 Tips To Manage Exam Stress

Best 10 Tips To Manage Exam Stress

Exam stress affects millions of students across the globe as if passing your exams weren’t enough stress, the thought of the contemporary highly competitive world employment market can add to the stress.

Stressing prior to an exam is likely to impact your performance in the exam negatively, and you might not be able to demonstrate all the skills you’ve acquired. We have put together a list of strategies that are guaranteed to assist you with managing the stress that comes with exams, which will in turn improve your performance on the actual test.

  1. The importance of setting and adhering to a plan.

A well-organized time management system is the key to being able to relax. Being able to manage your time effectively by creating a detailed schedule, and then adhering to it every day out can be a boon to ease stress.

Remember that your timetable shouldn’t be solely focused on doing homework and sleeping during the period before the exam.

It is also important to make time to enjoy social events and even just unwinding.

Schedule regular breaks and engage in some enjoyable activities. A well-balanced daily routine can help you feel more energized and refreshed when it’s time to start study.

  1. Avoid cramming.

In keeping with the subject managing time, trying to cram just a few days prior to the test won’t help you at all. Even if you’ve got an exceptional memory and can remember a lot of information in just a couple of hours, we would strongly suggest not to use this technique.

Why should you create stress and put yourself in stress just prior to an important test when you could avoid all the stress by beginning revising earlier?

If you try to cram prior to the test, not only will you feel more stressed, but also it’s more likely that you’ll forget everything once you take your pen following the exam. Not only does it cause a lot of unnecessary stress, but it’s detrimental to your goals for education in the long run.

Best 10 Tips To Manage Exam Stress
Best 10 Tips To Manage Exam Stress
  1. Exercise!

They don’t say “body, healthy mind” without a reason. Regular exercise not only improves your physical health, but it helps to make you more calm and stable mentally. It also releases hormones that can make you feel calmer and happier.

Don’t be tempted to think that you’ll need to join an exercise facility or purchase expensive equipment for training. If you’re creating your daily routine, set an hour aside for simple yoga exercises (you will find a wealth of video tutorials that are detailed on the web and all you need is a mat).

  1. A shared problem can be a problem that is reduced to a half.

We live in a world where everyone is flaunting their achievements (whether real or not) through social media. This increases peer pressure, which in turn creates a fear of failing in what we set out to achieve (including tests).

This is why a lot of students prefer to keep their anxieties about their exams in order to avoid embarrassment. However, it is crucial to realize that you’re not the only one struggling with stress from exams. Millions of other students are who are in the same boat as you, and sharing your struggles to one another can reduce stress.

  1. A good night’s sleep is essential.

It is possible that you’re under the misconception that you can be able to manage just one or two hours of sleep per day. Your brain is beginning to be different!

Research and research have proven that students who do not sleep enough are prone to greater stress.

Furthermore, those who are prone to a distorted pattern of sleep (i.e. do not go to bed regularly for the same amount of hours) also feel stressed more. If you’re a parent, you are able to manage the amount of sleep your child in primary school gets.

Do you remember the daily schedule we discuss? Take a pencil and set aside between 6 and 8 hours to sleep. Trust me when I say that your body as well as your mind will be grateful for it.

Best 10 Tips To Manage Exam Stress
Best 10 Tips To Manage Exam Stress
  1. Stop smoking and drinking coffee, or alcohol.

Also, the way our bodies feel is often a result of the way we treat our body and the food we do to it. Nicotine and caffeine are stimulants that boost the level of stress in a person. It is recommended to cut them out of your lifestyle entirely to avoid the long-term health hazards However, if you are unable to do that , at the very minimum, reduce your intake in the time before exams as they can cause stress.

In the case of alcohol, if you consume it in huge amounts it may cause a feeling of depressing and cause you to feel sleepy however, when consumed in smaller quantities , it could be a stimulant that can cause you to feel anxious or anxious. It is safe to say that neither of these are useful when you’re trying to relax before the exam.

You may want to determine which brain food you need to take in order to improve your mental abilities!

  1. Make several mock tests at your home.

One of the most common reasons for feeling stressed prior to the exam is that you don’t know what you can expect on exam day. Humans are naturally inclined to have the tendency to feel anxious when faced with an unknown situation, so if can take practice tests at home, it will help make you familiar with the conditions of the exam and ease some of the anxiety.

Make sure you recreate the exam’s conditions in the most exact way possible such as setting an alarm, don’t lose focus, don’t speak or use any devices and books that you are not permitted to use during the actual test and so on.

Try this several times to get used to the experience of sitting for in a test, which can reduce stress levels before the day arrives. 

  1. Create a comfortable study space.

If you’re studying for your test in a cramped space that is not well ventilated and filthy environment, it is likely to affect your mood and cause you to feel anxious.

To prevent this, dedicate the entire space in your home for studying, and ensure it’s well lit with lots of fresh air and comfortable seats and any other things you’ll need for your study sessions.

Additionally, it is essential to keep a neat and tidy desk. In the event that you don’t, you’ll take 10 minutes searching for something that you don’t need, and feel angry and stressed.

Best 10 Tips To Manage Exam Stress
Best 10 Tips To Manage Exam Stress
  1. You can listen to your preferred style of music.

Since the beginning of time, music has existed, people have relied on it to ease their tension. Music listening is the music we love can be proven effective to relieve anxiety.

When we listen to music, our pulse is slowed down and blood pressure falls, which decreases the amount of stress hormones within our bodies.

If you plan listening to music when learning, then we suggest classical music, or any instrumental tracks.

Alternately, you can make regular breaks to study and relax your mind for 5 or 10 minutes listening to your most loved songs.

  1. Make positive affirmations, breathe deeply and contemplate.

Another method of relaxing the mind is to repeat positive affirmations out loud. A number of studies have proven that doing this can ease anxiety during exams by reducing the stress hormones within our bodies.

A few examples of positive affirmations are phrases like “I am going to ace this exam! “, “My exam-taking skills are improving with practice!” and so on.

When we refer to breathing, we’re not just talking about the usual breathing you perform without being aware of it. What we are referring to is taking deep, slow breaths with regular intervals and hold your breath for few seconds and then exhaling completely (repeat at minimum 10-times).

The deep breathing practice that is done for a few minutes can help to relax your nervous system and enhance your focus and concentration. This has been proven through numerous research studies.

Another fantastic way to relax is to practice meditation. If you’re not sure what to do, that’s not a problem, as there are a myriad of videos online that will show you exactly how to get it completed. It is possible to incorporate meditation as an integral part of your routine to keep an optimal state of mind for the long haul.



In conclusion, it is not necessary to implement all of these techniques into your daily routine all at once. Start by incorporating those you are most comfortable with, and after you test them yourself and find that they really help keep the stress of your exams at lower levels, then you can implement other stress-management strategies to your daily routine.

The best thing about stress is that it’s inexpensive to treat. There are no costly remedies, and the advice on this page is completely free. All you have to do is to follow our suggestions as well (most importantly) be constant.

So, what are you sitting to do? Start your journey to living a stress-free lifestyle right now!

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